What is HACCP

HACCP (HAZARDS ANALYSIS AND CRITICAL CONTROL POINTS) is a food safety procedure identifying biological, physical or chemical hazards that can avoid processing unsafe products and prevent jeopardizing the integrity of our products. This systematic protective approach is designed to reduce the risks to acceptable safe levels. East Med Crops has worked intensely to realize the privilege of obtaining such an important certificate.

HACCP Importance.
Several factors require the HACCP system in the work process:
* Increases accountability when implementing prescribed food safety operation.
* Improves level of customer satisfaction and confidence.
* Reduces quantity of discarded products.
* Helps food companies compete more effectively in the world market.
* Reduces barriers to international trade.
* Places responsibility for ensuring food safety on food manufacturer or distributor.

Advantage (Benefits) of HACCP system:
The HACCP system, a preventive approach to food safety, can be applied throughout the food chain from the primary producer to the final consumer.

Benefits in applying HACCP include:
* More effective use of resources and more timely response to food safety problems.
* Promotes international trade by increasing buyer confidence in food safety. It enhances customer satisfaction and reduces dissatisfaction.
* Accomodates change, such as advances in equipment design, processing procedures or technological developments.
* Requires the full commitment and involvement of management and the workforce.
* Requires a team approach (improves staff performance, morale and motivation through the promotion of team spirit and through a cleaner working environment).
* It’s compatible with the implementation of quality management systems such as ISO 9000.


The HACCP system used for food safety management uses the approach of controlling critical points in food handling to prevent food safety problems. It is a system for recognizing specific hazards and preventive measures for their control.

The system consists of seven principles:
1) Identify the potential hazards associated with food production at all stages, from growth, processing, manufacturing and distribution to the point of consumption. Assess the likelihood of occurrence of the hazards (risk assessment) and identify preventive measures for their control (risk management).

2) Determine the points, procedures and operational steps that can be controlled to eliminate the hazards or minimize their likelihood of occurrence. These are the critical control points (CCPs). A “step” means any stage in food production and/or manufacture including receipt and/or production of raw materials, harvesting, transport, formulation, processing, storage, etc.

3) Establish critical limits which must be met to ensure that the CCPs are under control.

4) Establish a system to monitor control of CCPs by scheduled testing or observations.

5) Establish the corrective action to be taken when monitoring indicates that a particular CCP is not under control.

6) Establish procedures for verification, which include supplementary tests and procedures, to confirm that the HACCP system is working effectively.

7) Establish documentation concerning all procedures and records appropriate to these principles and their application.